viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017

Present vs present continous

As we have already taken an overview of the differences between the present and the present continous, today we are going to review what we have learned, by means of a presentation. There is one link in each page. Try to find it and write a short summary on the differences of both tenses. Good luck and good job¡
Follow this link

The environment: "the greenhouse effect"

In order to help you with this unit I have prepared 3 activities and a Pdf with a bilingual list of vocabulary:
  1. A Videoquiz
  2. A crosswords
  3. Put the letters into the correct order 
The greenhouse effect The greenhouse effect The greenhouse effect

And the link to the VOCABULARY PDF

martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017


Isto é o meu primeiro traballo en animoto.

 Se queredes tamén o podedes ver directamente

Este son eu

Ola a todos nesta nova aventura na blogosfera.

Hoxe comezamos a andaina, e coma sempre os primeiros pasos son os máis difíciles, e sentímonos coma os cativos cando comezan a camiñar. Espero que aprendamos rápido.

Present vs present continous

As we have already taken an overview of the differences between the present and the present continous, today we are going to review what we ...